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Late Check Out/Linen
Feature request
Planned August 30, 2024
I am not to sure if this was already sent or if it's something you all ready have in mind. At our location we do have a lot of late checkout request/ticket but don't really have a way to post it. It would be very helpful to have that option and be able to assign it to housekeeping. Another idea would be to have a linen ticket? Like when we give guest extra towels, blankets or pillows, so on and be able to have it posted so that housekeeping can better track linen instead of manually having to write it down and save paper. I know there is a TO DO ticket we can do but we are unable to assign it to anyone other then Management. If we can add all departments to that section, that will be a game changer. If these are already available, I do apologize, we are very new to Lodgistics and are still trying to navigate through all the updates and changes.
Thanks for your feedback
We are ⚡by Beamer
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